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Pragmatic ESG approach: Question critically, find smart solutions, and create long-term meaning

Interview: Andreas Benz, Special Projects at Helvetica

Mr. Birrer, you have been the ESG Manager at Helvetica since last year. What is your role there?
I am responsible for all of our ESG activities. Being an ESG Manager is not just a job for me, but rather an interdisciplinary corporate and life philosophy.

Why do you think people sometimes hesitate to engage with ESG issues?
Many people seek security in familiar, but unfortunately often outdated structures. As ESG is new and complex, it can be intimidating. It is important that changes are not only made on paper, but actually implemented.

How do you deal with this challenge?
The challenge, which is also my main task, is to simplify the topic of ESG and raise awareness among my colleagues. If we make ESG more understandable, we can achieve effective changes together. That is why we have developed a pragmatic ESG approach.

What does that mean specifically?
Our pragmatic approach means that we tackle ESG, like any other challenge, with smart solutions and the courage to embrace uncertainty. We focus on measurable successes and visible improvements, rather than relying on comprehensive and time-consuming certifications, standards, and benchmarks. We believe that this way, we can direct our resources more specifically to a relevant impact for us. We have summarized our pragmatic approach in the following graphic.

Pragmatic Sustainability Approach

What other sustainability goals do you pursue?
On the environmental level, besides greenhouse gases, biodiversity should not be underestimated. Personally, I believe that its importance will increase as understanding grows. As property owners, our biggest leverage point is enabling green outdoor areas, as well as roof and façade spaces. However, we are still at the very beginning of this issue.

What are you doing in the social area?
In the "S" area, for Social, our focus is on our employees, whom we provide with modern office spaces and motivating working conditions. But the "S" also includes our tenants, with whom we maintain a fair relationship.

What do you mean by motivating working conditions?
Without our employees, we would be nothing; they are an essential part of our DNA. That's why one of our main tasks is to create an attractive work environment where our talents can develop.

Is it true that Helvetica provides Teslas for its employees?
Yes, three Teslas, as well as e-bikes and e-scooters, will soon be available for employees to use freely.

Why are you doing that?
We hope, of course, that our employees will not buy their own car, which is good for the climate and thus good for all of us. In line with the motto: "Walk the talk."

What are you doing specifically for your apartment tenants?
Here too, we stay up to date and continuously expand the range of electric charging stations. By applying our pragmatic approach, we optimize our properties in terms of energy efficiency. As a result, our tenants will benefit from lower ancillary costs in the future.

The financial industry is not exactly known for a high percentage of women; what does it look like at Helvetica?
We are on the right track. One-third of our 31 employees are women, and almost 20% are under 30 years old. We value diversity and promote an open work environment. We take our employees seriously and address their needs.

How do you do that?
In 2022, we conducted an extensive employee survey in collaboration with "Great Place to Work". Overall, Helvetica scored above the Swiss average. However, we are not yet fully satisfied, as our goal is to be a leader in this area as well. From the survey, we learned that we need to be much clearer and more transparent in terms of strategic communication.

Finally, do you have a tip on how we can save energy and costs?
Get rid of oil and gas heating systems! Consider a sustainable heating option and have a calculation made for a photovoltaic system. Don't be afraid of higher initial investments, which will pay off many times over in the long run. Do the math and decide, like us, pragmatically - that's the best advice I can give here.

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